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This site is pretty simple, but for beginners, all you have to do is use the side-menu bar. Click on the page you want to view, and your there! Nothing to it. The index to the rest of my sites will also help you navigate around my Webring. Look below for FAQs.

These are the FAQS, i hope they help!:
OMG, this hosting is awesome AND free! How did you get it??
This one gets asks a lot, mostly by my friends. Go to and sign up for the free membership. If you like it enuff, then start using the premium membership!
Your pics and stuff are not loading! Is this my problem or is something wrong with your site?
No, it is most likely not my site. There are three possible explanations for this prob: 1.)I'm on at the same time updating as you are viewing, or 2.) the pics and stuff weren't downloaded correctly, or 3.) the page needs to be refreshed. Try refreshing the page, and if that doesn't work, let me know or try later! Also, I am VERY VERY VERY SUPER TERRIBLY sorry, but I have been direct linking without knowing it!!!! I just recently found this out at an adopting site and I HORRIBLY sorry for it! I am working on saving them on my own hard drive, so that is another reason why!!!!! SO SORRY!!!
On of your links isn't working. I really want to see this page!! What should I do??
Contact me, RIGHT AWAY! I must have linked it wrong, and must be informed! If you can't email me, leave me a note in the g-book. Same with typing errors!!

Info about me COMING SOON!

Email Me!

Link to my other Hompage
UnderWater World

Text by ME!!